Who's Coming 2024
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Billy Pozniak

Posted on the 2024-09-29 at 10:23
Can't wait!

Jaynie Marie Aristeo

Posted on the 2024-09-09 at 11:21
Can’t wait to see everyone. THANKS to those who took their time to make it happen for all of us!

Lee Ann Hopkins

Posted on the 2024-09-01 at 19:29
Hey all…looking forward to our next meeting!!!

Charlene (Engelbrecht) Chamberlain

Posted on the 2024-08-30 at 21:04
I can't wait for this long overdue epic event! The evening will offer music, great food and beverages, but most of all, the opportunity to reconnect with CAS teachers and alumni. I hope you will join us at the 2024 A-School Reunion!

(Barbara) Lee Knowlton

Posted on the 2024-08-18 at 16:29
Looking forward to seeing and conversing with other A-School souls again!

Rivke Lela Reid

Posted on the 2024-08-16 at 18:52
As shown at the Class of 73 reunion last year. Where there weren't that many folx I knew...because I was one of those commie pinko alt school kids studying screwing around and getting high and goofing off. I will try to make it to the 2024 CAS reunion. (You would have known me by a different name back then).

Bob Stirner

Posted on the 2024-08-13 at 23:18
Wulp, here we go again, can't wait!

David Bliss

Posted on the 2024-08-03 at 19:33
Jeanie was adamant - we had to have a reunion this year! And it was clear, that I was to be the hand of the queen. And so another venture was born...

Who's Coming?



Archived Comments 2010 - 2014

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(Barbara) Lee Knowlton
Posted on the 2024-08-18 at 16:09
Thank you for putting together this event! Looking forward to it!
Gloria Richardson Esposito
Posted on the 2024-08-14 at 18:15
Can’t wait!
Posted on the 2014-01-09 at 19:00
Just want to say thank you to John, for taking the time, to correct the all too often occuring, misconception of what we were and what happened to our school. A lot of us read the article when Jack passed, it bothered me and I'm sort of embarrassed that I didn't do anything, but I have gotten used to hearing how we were a dumping ground for the discipline problems and otherwise challenged, and I let it go. So Thanks again John, and I am sure Jack is glad for your efforts as well.
Blessings to all,

Jerry Downs
Posted on the 2013-12-05 at 19:00
VVV Alrighty then. Glad that got sorted. VVV
robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2013-08-15 at 20:00
I am sad to hear about Jack Hingers passing. Jack's unique view of the word helped form our school. The article on the front page of the web site almost made me fall down. The author of this peice stated the school was formed in the 90's , which in actuality was in the 70's, and the characterization of the school being for special needs students could not be further from the truth. Yes we were special, but special needs,,,,,,,,,,,hardly.
Sharon Molotsky
Posted on the 2013-07-27 at 20:00
A light has gone out.  Rest in peace, Jack. 
R L (Roger) Reid
Posted on the 2013-04-12 at 20:00
What?! There was a CAS reunion?  I would neverathunkit.   And I missed it!  The only school community of my first two decades I have any interest in.  
Well, the reunion is clearly long over, and nothing new has been posted in a year, and I dunno if anyone's looking here anymore.  I don't recognize a lot of the names because I was there first year only (bu tI sure recognize Lee, Jack, Kyra, Ray, John...science class was rebuilding VW engines.)
Not quite true.  I "hung out" for the first half of the second year.  1974 was a bad year for me - I basically fell into an emotional pit - I climbed back out and was fine.  But I mention this because there are two people who had been close friends who I said some terrible things to the last time I saw them, which was at CAS.  It is one of my very few regrets in 57 years.  (That, and learning to smoke - also at CAS - but I got free of those damn things about 10 years later).
I would be glad to be in touch with folks from 1972-73.   Roger Reid.
Jaynie Marie Aristeo
Posted on the 2012-03-01 at 19:00
There\'s still black marks on that county road, where we drag raced our pick-ups and mustangs
And weathered all the sun and rain
And to this day up on that overpass, even underneath the new paint, you can still see,
"Allie, will you marry me?"

Take a ride, look around
There ain\'t no doubt

It sure left it\'s mark on us, we sure left our mark on it
We let the world know we were here, with everything we did
We laid a lot of memories down, like tattoos on this town

There\'s still a rope burn on the old branch, that hangs over the river, I still got the scar
From swinging out a little too far
There ain\'t a corner of this hallow ground, that we ain\'t laughed or cried on, it\'s where we loved,
Lived and learned real life stuff
It\'s everything we\'re made of

It sure left it\'s mark on us, we sure left our mark on it
We let the world know we were here, with everything we did
We laid a lot of memories down, like tattoos on this town
Like tattoos on this town

Everywhere, it\'s where we are
It gets me right, in my heart

It sure left it\'s mark on us, we sure left our mark on it
We let the world know we were here, with everything we did
We laid a lot of memories down,
And we\'ll always be hangin\' around, like tattoos on this town
Like tattoos on this town

Bruce Oram
Posted on the 2011-11-24 at 19:00
Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
steve moorhouse
Posted on the 2011-09-19 at 20:00
To all who knew him, I\'m very sad to report that Jim Mayes died on Sept 4th after a long battle with cancer. Jim (along with myself) was a Riverton boy with many friends at the A School. After high school Jim became a chiropractor and moved to South Carolina in the Greenville area. He\'s survived by Susan, his wife of 32 years. Very sad news
Posted on the 2011-07-22 at 20:00
Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !
David Bliss
Posted on the 2011-04-17 at 20:00
Have dome will travel. Upstate PA, southern NY or northern NJ all sound great. Pick a weekend! Found a great site for all you live music buffs;www.wolfgangsvault.comStream concerts from back in the day to today. Avett Brothers to Zappa; King Biscuit Flour Hour; Fillmore east/west and everywhere in between.Hopefully I am not the last person in the world to find this amazing site and if I am, why didn\'t you tell me?
Cindy Hopkins
Posted on the 2011-02-14 at 19:00
It is time to get the planning committee back together, camping is just around the corner.....
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2011-01-04 at 19:00
Hi to all!!
The CAS planning commitee and utility muffin research lab has devised a scheme to bring us all back together again and your thoughts are welcomed.
We would like to plan a mid summer camping/
conoeing/float trip for an entire weekend very much like our field trips of old.
Perhaps upstate PA or ???
What a fine opportunity this could be for a weekend chill/campout/cookout etc, etc!!

Your thoughts!!

steve moorhouse
Posted on the 2011-01-03 at 19:00
Really enjoyed browsing the pictures posted. It appears that a great time was had by all. Wish I could have been there but I\'m glad to see Palmyra was represented (thanks Mike Vogelman). Have a happy and healthy New Year my friends
robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2010-12-29 at 19:00
theres a party richard...........
robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2010-12-29 at 19:00
theres a party richard...........
robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2010-12-28 at 19:00
i figured i would break the silence, anybody home?
Posted on the 2010-12-28 at 19:00
I miss all of you ! ! ! Hey Robert T.We are on the same wave brotherrrrrr ! I had it planed to check in today because i been thinking,still about how GREAT the reunion was and how much iv been missing every one since....Keep on posting peoples ! ! Lets not forget and try to do something in the future.
Nancy Cicale (Newman)
Posted on the 2010-12-07 at 19:00
just want to say that I just looked at the photographers pics of the reunion!!! wow was great to see so many faces of my childhood!!! I felt like I was there with everyone having a great time!!seeing so many old friends from my past made me get so choked up!!!Peter D. wherever you are it was so nice to see your smiling face. you look wonderful just how I remember you in my mind. same with Chet and so many many others.what it must of felt like walking back in the school and going back 35 years.God Bless everyone who went to the Aschool. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David Bliss
Posted on the 2010-12-06 at 19:00
I had a great time and hope we can continue building our community. Music was great, people were friendly, food and drink was good. You may feel overwhelmed by all the photos but I have posted my reunion pics to Flickr. To find them, search under Flickr for cinnaminson  and "alternative School" (in quotes). Stay in touch!
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-12-05 at 19:00
First of all I want to thank all whom helped to make this most wonderful and heartfelt reunion a reality.
It was true, CAS community spirit and vision
that allowed us to run with what started out as a fantasy / dream sequence of .."man, wouldn\'t it be cool if we could..."

14 month\'s ago Bob Glass and myself met with Ray and Lee for the first CAS reunion meeting.
I truly at one point, early into the evening saw a look of "these guy\'s are nuts, don\'t make any quick moves they may have a gun".
I was ranting about community meetings at the same time that Bob G was distributing piles
of spread sheets about the table.
What seemed impossible, far fetched or perhaps even outside of the realm of possiblity turned very quickly into a warm glow of..yes, we can do this, yes we will, and finally "it\'s really happening\'!!
Not unlike many learning experiences that we all shared back when at CAS, we only had a dream of reuniting our "family" back at the house that we all "grew" up in..no money, scant few former students to contact and a logistical "cloud" that might have frightened some "normal" folks off.
Well, our concept was not "normal", our experiences were not "normal" and by god I\'m not "normal" either ( don\'t know if I like that way that looks in print (LOL ) but you get the meaning.
We were taught to think outside of the box, to take risks, to dream big and to actualize our potentials.
We were "taught" to take on responsiblity with our own course selection, with our own grading, with our attendance and ultimately upon leaving, with the beginning of the rest of our lives.

We sit on the edge to peer and sometimes we leap for the thrill of flying not even knowing   if the landing will be soft or hard..but there is only one way to find out.

So we dreamed about this "day", a "day in the life" at CAS. John Blair told me after the reunion that we couldn\'t recreate the Alternative school any more than we could now recreate what happened at our reunion..BUT, that in every end, there is a NEW beginning.

On Sunday afternoon ( day after the event )
I was in my kitchen eating a doughnut and without warning burst into tears, not tears of sadness but of overwhelming joy and happiness, and in knowing that apart from all the magical
things that we all helped create, a new CAS beginning had emerged..bout time I\'d say.

I can\'t help but to quote a line out of the movie "The Big Chill". At one point someone say\'s
"I was never as good as when I was with you people".

Heartfelt thanks to all whom attended and helped make the "dream" a reality.

See you all soon!!!

                      Bob Stirner

Peter di Girolamo
Posted on the 2010-12-03 at 19:00
 Hi Everyone, Yes, what a time. If we could have made those hours into weeks. I described it this way to a friend: "It was more like a family reunion but the family you really want to see. The school we went to was very different. More open than any I\'ve seen. It would be like you were home schooled had 8 parents and 150 brothers and sisters." There were so many of you I was so glad to see and so little time. Would love to hear from any of you. Thanks so much, Peter D.
Bruce Oram
Posted on the 2010-12-03 at 19:00
Greetings Peter,
All I can say is I love you brother !!!!Wow is an understatment So good to see you .

robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2010-12-02 at 19:00
who came?.................i want to know an exact number......................
Posted on the 2010-12-02 at 19:00
AHHH ok here I go again...
    It will be a week tomorrow since this most unbelievable event took place. Over the years I have remembered those days of the
Alternative School often..I pass the building daily..but still, I could never have had the vision that "The Bob\'s" and their "team" had to make this happen.
To say thank you is never going to be enough, but I do thank you, for several reasons. 
    First of all for making all of the events possible for those of us too lazy, complacent or reluctant, to make contact
with people we have often thought about..how silly is that..and now we are reconnected. Next for the planning of the days events, for while music and
dancing are much fun...the amazing feeling of the community meeting was something I will never forget, and was probably the most important part of the day for me, and for my daughter. That said..the effect of the experience on my daughter was profound. Meeting people like Sara and Mindy, and Michael and Julie, who she has heard about, but never met was really fun for her. Seeing people that she does know, like Jane, Maureen,and Wendy among others..and realizing that these were my "school friends" was surprising to her.
    BUT.... Hearing the way people spoke about the school, the teachers, and eachother was almost more than she could handle. It was at her request that we returned in the evening, she could not get enough of "the feeling".. a feeling which I have tried over the years to explain to her but as with most people it defies their ability to grasp it\'s awesomeness (yes I know that is not a word..see I did learn some things =P). Needless to say, as a sophomore at CHS she has had a very different experience, as nothing there has really changed. There are still cool kids, and nerdy kids, the sporty kids and the artsy kids,the barbie girls and the tough guys, the bullies and their victims. We had most of those here too but we learned from each other to appreciate our differences not hate because of them and THAT, for me, was the single most important thing I took from this school, and the thing that most amazed Elizabeth, given the circumstances she is faced with everyday.
    SOOOO anyway..the reunion was the "coolest thing ever" and thanks to everyone who worked on it and who showed up..the ones who bugged me to come when I wasn\'t going to ( how stupid of me)..and for everyone who spoke to, hugged, or even just smiled at Elizabeth and gave her a special memory that will, I am sure, continue to mean alot to her for a long time. THANK YOU~ THANK YOU~ THANK YOU...Love, Danette

OH YEAH..PS: I also have to add that on Sunday, at church, we happened to end up seated next to Pamela from Footlighters, who recognized us and asked if we could return to help with the clean-up..I thought Elizabeth would come out of her skin..( she does not get that excited to clean her room unfortunately)..and when she found out she could help dismatle the dome..well OHEMGEEE...it was just the best hour of the whole weekend..(of course now she wants her own dome...hahaha) which leads me to point out one last thing..sadly in school I never really knew David and Jeannie, and I think this is true of many of us that we didn\'t always have the opportunity to know EVERYONE..but now I know that they are very sweet and I will look forward to seeing them again at the next Alternative School event...new friends! Just how cool is THAT. <3

Marlene Thrush and Chris Knell
Posted on the 2010-12-02 at 19:00
Thank you for allowing us crash your reunion. It was especially meaningful to Marlene to see so many of her long-lost classmates. It was such a warm event (despite the cold temperatures and flaky heaters). Great job Bob, Bob, and other committee members!
Carol Squillace Stroz
Posted on the 2010-12-01 at 19:00
What a beautiful group of “Shiny Happy People”! Looks and sounds like a perfect day and night was had by all. I would have loved to have been part of the festivities even though I was a CHS graduate. If I could go back in time, I’m sure I would have done things a little differently. You all should be so proud of yourselves for a job well done!
-Carol Squillace Stroz ‘76
Billy Pozniak
Posted on the 2010-12-01 at 19:00
It\'s been 5 days since the EVENT. I can\'t stop thinking about what just went down. There isn\'t enough space on this site to explain what it meant to me. Thanks to all who made this come together. WOW
Bruce Oram
Posted on the 2010-12-01 at 19:00
I want to thank every body who helped put this wonderful reunion together, I still can not believe what happened. Seeing all of you together that day will be with me for the rest of my life.Very emotional for me I love each and every one of you.Thank you  all.More to come........ Larry you missed out...
Richard Sanders
Posted on the 2010-11-30 at 19:00
OMG !!!WOW !!! What a day-night...For me, the daytime events ment more to me in many ways,and realy set the grounds for that unforgetable evening.I realy got a better understanding of how it all started.The input of the begining year people,like Robert Tokar.and Mark DiGirol.played a big roll in the alternative school.not just the staff.You guys set the pace for the great 5 years to follow.I was lucky enough to get in for the final year.Thanks again to you early grads...and staff..Back to the reunion....it was 15 and a half hours of the best thing i ever expereanced.Quote Ray S."JOY JOY JOY"..Thank you SO MUCH again,Bob S and Bob G.......and all who contributed.
Deborah Ryder (Debbie Clark)
Posted on the 2010-11-30 at 19:00

Thank you committee members for the nudge to come. Thanks to all the sponsors. The destiny moments continued at the reunion. Could you all feel the love between one another? The outcome of visionary perserverance put some more pieces together from the recall of the A School in \'73-\'74, which I must declare was an awesome year, with survival of faded memories.Thanks for renewing the newly created memories. I appreciate now even more the dedication and courage it took to step outside the educational box to spark the creativity in this connected community. May we all influence the next generation with confidence to think outside the box.
These success stories from the A School faculty brings inspiration to take some more plunges. Thank you all for your dedication to the call for our generation during "crazy" times. Keep in touch.

Kyle Cooperson
Posted on the 2010-11-29 at 19:00
I\'m so glad I was able to make it to this reunion. It was like a step back in time. And certainly having it in the same building had a huge effect on the days events. It was an amazing day, and my thanks to those who made it happen. The day portion of this reunion was wonderful, and in my opinion, the best part. It gave a lot of us that extra time to get reacquainted with everyone. Having those who helped us navigate through this experience also attend, was the icing on the cake. I\'m honored to have been a part of that learning experience.   
Kathy Murphy
Posted on the 2010-11-28 at 19:00
Thank you Bobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
julie mezzy
Posted on the 2010-11-28 at 19:00
Bruce and I had the best time ever. Pretty sure no renuion on this planet was ever as great as this one. Huge thanks to the organizers.
robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2010-11-28 at 19:00


Linda Edwards
Posted on the 2010-11-28 at 19:00
I had such a great time ! I can\'t say enough thank you\'s to Bob and Bob for making this happen !!  What a wonderful day !
Karen Kennard Rosnick
Posted on the 2010-11-28 at 19:00
The vision of the organizers (past & present); assembling people, music, documents, pix, table decorations; exchange of stories in meaningful surroundings...smells like teen spirit!Thanks for the chance to be alternative again. KK, now K2R
Carol LoPresto
Posted on the 2010-11-28 at 19:00
 A big thank you to all who help organize and all those who came out. Let\'s not wait another 35 years to see each other again.P.S. I took down Nancy Held\'s phone number and true to my condition at the time left off the last 4 numbers, if anyone can get me in touch with her let me knowThanks
Paul Adison
Posted on the 2010-11-28 at 19:00
 What a great event.  The planning, effort and execution of our visionary\'s did not go unnoticed. You guys did an amazing job.  Thank you to all of you.  My regret.....I wish I had gotten there earlier.  It was really wonderful to reconnect with old friends an to make some new ones.  Over the years I had forgotten the impact the School had on me and how it influenced me.  What an opportunity we had!. I hope there are other events in the future.
Ray Remo Scalia
Posted on the 2010-11-28 at 19:00

Pure joy !  The whole day ... morning, noon and night was pure joy.  Seeing all of your faces, hearing all of your voices ... all set against the backdrop of the school itself ... caused the decades to dissolve and the space between then and now to feel as if nothing more than a long weekend had passed.  I\'m sure I\'ll have more words to express what the school meant to me and how the reunion with all of you impacted me ... however, for now ... it\'s just pure joy and I\'m content to leave it at that.

robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2010-11-28 at 19:00
Jerry Downs said it, and I wrote it. WOW! I really appreciate the opportunity to have been part of the planning committee, and see this event unfold. About a year ago or so, Bob Stirner had told me the concept of this reunion. Both  Bob Glass, and Bob Stirner had such a purpose of cause, viral in nature, that by sure association drew me in, as only one could characterize as a vortex. So the night before, like a kid awaiting Christmas, I stared at the ceiling, thinking, in anticipation. Flash forward 35 years, and then flash back in time 35 years. Everyone knows cause and effect. In the moment, in real time, when you can see the cause of action such as lighting, and blowing out a candle, you see the cause and effect of blowing. You have an immediate understanding of action. This is all so different when the results of action can only be measured by a life time. It is my opinion, having talked with, and listened to every member of our extended community during our reunion, that the grand experiment of Alternative Education was successful. I saw caring, kind, generous, moral, committed, active, involved, motivated, intelligent, productive, and directed, people. This I believe is a direct result of the exposure to the wide variety of our mentors during our education at the "A" School. The testimony to this surely is in the thoughts expressed during our community meeting. Our get together surpassed all of my expectations. I got kind of scared at the beginning of the community meeting, when there was some silence, that maybe the silence would continue. We all know the silence did not continue. The affirmation of this experience will strengthen our continued growth. This can be characterized by my good friend David Tannenbaum when he said during our community meeting, that our experience was like a stone in the pond that created a ripple continuing forever. It did................touching may people on its way outward. The following Monday morning while at work I got a call from Bob Stirner, and shortly thereafter John Blair. I was still a little fuzzy from the emotional roller coaster, getting back to all the real world responsibilities. Hearing both of their voices, and passionate recount of our collective experience made my acclimation back to the real world that much easier. My wife Mindy and I are both a graduates of the "A" school and only found each other by chance way after that experience. Figure that.

Susan Applegate- Hill
Posted on the 2010-11-28 at 19:00
And to think, we almost did not come. It was beyond any words. Thank you for taking the time to make so many people so happy. I will remember this reunion for the rest of my life.  
Susan Conover Stevens
Posted on the 2010-11-27 at 19:00
I knew it would be an incredible  night and it definitely was !
From the moment, I walked up that red staircase, I was taken back to a time that was nothing short of amazing .
Thank you does not seem sufficient to those who worked so hard to make this possible.....but, from the bottom of my heart, thank you


Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. ~Albert Einstein

Jerry Downs
Posted on the 2010-11-27 at 19:00
WOW!!! Unbelievably cool too see everyone. What a blast! Best to all.
Charlene (Engelbrecht) Thellmann
Posted on the 2010-11-27 at 19:00
Thanks to the reunion committee for a fantastic evening!  Dave T. - start looking for those Bat Mitzvah pics! love to all-Char

Peter Tew
Posted on the 2010-11-27 at 19:00
thanks to all ! what a wonderful event. the planning and execution was nothing short of unbelieveable.
Richard Blauvelt
Posted on the 2010-11-26 at 19:00
I\'ve heard that the authorities are shutting down the N.Y. Thurway and from here on out it\'s a free concert!
Rita Healy
Posted on the 2010-11-25 at 19:00
Hey friends!
Are people connecting tonight- where?
I\'m at 206-406-2871.  Rita
LeeAnn Hopkins
Posted on the 2010-11-25 at 19:00
Thank you!!!
Bob & Bob for all your time &energy and devotion to this project...to making it happen, and inspiring help...so looking forward to a fantastic event!
Joe Van Os
Posted on the 2010-11-07 at 19:00

Greetings from Vashon Island, Washington


I know you will all have a great time at the reunion.  Unfortunately due to prior commitments I won’t be able to join you.  I’m bummed.


It’s hard to imagine 35 years have gone by.  I’m now a bit grayer, fatter, balder and slower than I was in college and doing my student teaching gig at the Alternative School.


If the Alternative School was a life-changing event for you, certainly the same can be said for me.  These days I am in a business taking clients all over the world to see and photograph nature.  It is a direct and continuous link—though a bit larger in scale—to the days many of us took off in my van (and other venerable clunkers) to watch water birds at Brigantine or the spring warbler migration in eastern Pennsylvania hardwood forests.


Though some years I get to all 7 continents, some of my greatest and most memorable lifetime experiences were with some of you guys as we traipsed through “Samples Woods” watching nesting great horned owls, or identifying tiny red flowers as ”Scarlet Pimpernels” in roadside ditches on the road towards Moorestown.  I still have my original Peterson Field Guide to Eastern North America with “first sighting” entries in its margins like “Di Girolamo’s back yard.”


These days I live on a pretty island about 7 miles from John Blair.  We’ve maintained our close friendship over these 35 years and still get together to “discuss” politics and other topics.  It allows us to act like we are from the East Coast since most time in PC Washington we have to fake that we are polite.  Anne Blair has been an important part of my business for most of that time.


When wanderlust brings you out to the Evergreen State you are more than welcome to stop by for a visit.  My coffee drinking has never diminished since the time I learned to drink it at Mr. Donut in “Minsky.”  There’s a cup waiting for you hear.


All my best to students and staff.  You are an important part of my life.


Joe Van Os



robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2010-10-26 at 20:00
there was a walk through of the "a" school 10/26/10 for planning, and to sort a few things out prior to the reunion.  during the walk through the ghosts of the past filled the hallways for certain, and it is kind of funny, fore at that moment, it could have been 1974. lee walked through the classrooms, and ray and i tried to find remnants of writing on the chalk boards in his classroom. I saw it in all their faces, chuck, cindy, ray, bob and lee, that they did return to that place in time. Can anyone name a school reunion that ever happened in the school that they went to? it\'s a trip for me because it\'s the same school that i attended kindergarten. I attended with buba bob perry. we were hoping to find the video tape player that has been long since gone, so we could view the many tapes that we have from the first years. no luck:(no one can live in the past, nor would you want to; but, for one fine day in November, the lucky ones will get the chance, to once again relive some formative years, and visit that place in time, when you had all the time in the world, and a lot of places to put it:)   robert tokarczyk
Bill A.
Posted on the 2010-10-25 at 20:00

Just thought I\'d let everyone know that there are several people staying at the Sleep Inn in Minsky on the 27th. For those of you that are coming from out of town, that plan on staying overnight, you might want to join the late night get together at the Sleep Inn...

Richard Sanders(Dickie mon)
Posted on the 2010-10-24 at 20:00
Ohhhhhh Mannnnnnn.....Its getting close...."SMOKE UP JOHNNY" ! ! ! Thats from the movie"The Breakfast Club"anyhow,smoke up.drink up.eat up.chat it up....cant wait..Thank you again,Bob S.and Bob G. ...and Robert Tokarz. for all your help up loading all my old photos on to the site...see you all soon
robert tokarcyk
Posted on the 2010-10-22 at 20:00
let the fun begin, arriveearly, arive on time, arive late whatever you might like. What ever the case, bring plenty of love, plenty of jack, and what ever that will make ur experience that much more enjoyable.
Brian Shuler
Posted on the 2010-10-20 at 20:00

It will be a great time, thanks to the great group of folks making it happen.
Songs I\'m hearing (in no particular order) as the reunion draws near:
Can\'t Go Back to Jersey ........G. Love and Special Sauce
I\'m From New Jersey.............John Gorka
Revival..........Allman Brothers Band
Work for Peace.............Gil Scott-Heron
Childish Things................James McMurtry
Wake Up.................John Legend\'s new version
Imagine...........Herbie Hancock\'s new version

Bob Applegate
Posted on the 2010-10-16 at 20:00
WOW...can not believe the names that have been added!!
This is going to be so FUN!
Great job Bob Glass, Bob S...and all the organizers.
I miss everyone on this list and can\'t wait to give everyone a BIG HUG!
I could not believe to see Barrie Medina, Howard Perry, Bob and Beth Albasi  (where is Walt)
My own sister SUE....RICK, BRAD!
Gary C.  My brother BILL

Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-10-16 at 20:00
Thanks to all ( I feel like I\'m doing a PBS fund drive  LOL) whom have sent in their funds and supported our reunion!! As Michael Laing ( Woodstock promoter / visionary ) once put it.."The important thing here is that it is happening", and happening it is, we are close to one month away and the clock ( there go\'s that PBS thing again ) is ticking, FUNDS ARE DUE NOW. If you are waiting to acrue interest, don\'t bother..have you checked the bank rates recently? If you are waiting to see who is coming please check our RSVP list, over 130 folks so far and growing..YOU will make it 131!! If you just like waiting to the last minute be advised that the upfront funds scale the reunion in every aspect..SEND REUNION FUNDS IN NOW so that we can better meet ALL of our vision on OUR day back at CAS.

NEWS FLASH...although it\'s been batted around for awhile we are now able to confirm that the CAS ALLSTAR BAND ( featuring Jerry Downs, Chet Woodward, Randy Lippincott, Bob Stirner, Mike Vogelman , Bob Albasi , Bob Glass and...will be performing in the Community room sometime Sat afternoon!! Featuring tunes that we played THEN...Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead, Blues etc.
Howdja like dem apples.


See ya in a couple!!!

                       Best to all.
CAS Planning Committee
Posted on the 2010-10-05 at 20:00

The deadline is rapidly approaching to purchase your tickets!  Don\'t get locked out!  We Can Not / Will Not accept money at the door.  All of our vendors must be paid well in advance of the event.

Please call everyone you know and make sure they get in.

We are a few weeks away from finalizing all the details.  At that point we will let everyone know the Who\'s, What\'s and Where\'s of this exciting day.

Not to let the cat out of the bag too early... but we are planning a full day of activities starting with a Community Breakfast and Meeting and including some live music from your favorite musicians later in the day.

We are over the 100 people mark in ticket sales but there is still a great deal of folks floating around out there who haven\'t stepped up.  Please get in touch with everyone you know to make sure they don’t get locked out.

Reunion Day is just around the corner!  
Bill A
Posted on the 2010-09-22 at 20:00
Fran, sorry for your lose... we all love ya\'
Nancy Newman
Posted on the 2010-09-17 at 20:00
Hi everyone , going to the Aschool was the first and last time I made A\'s on my reportcard!!!!!!!!anyway the experience I had will live inside me forever. my sympathy goes out to Fran in the tragic loss of his wife. my prayers are with you.
Bob Applegate
Posted on the 2010-09-16 at 20:00
hey everyone...sounds like we need to step up our game and cough up some more $$$$

Lets help out Bob S with the final details and give some more money!!!!
I\'m sure everybody can find at least an extra $25

Jerry Downs
Posted on the 2010-09-13 at 20:00
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Fran.So sorry to hear this sad news.
Kyra Karsch
Posted on the 2010-09-11 at 20:00
Sad news.  Fran\'s wife, Mary Hennessey passed away this weekend.  Just thought you all should know if he comes to the reunion.  If any of you knew her, you knew she was a delightful person.  She was a very good friend of mine and I really miss her.
Tanya Naumenko
Posted on the 2010-09-06 at 20:00

Hello Everyone!!! It has been a long time.
I hope to make it to the reunion. It would be great to see everyone.

Posted on the 2010-08-17 at 20:00
Hi everybody !! No postings in a long time...Hope everyones intrest is still there...keep on keepin on now ! ! ! Looking foward to seeing everyone...Dont forget,those pregatherings we had were just scratching the serface to how great this reunion is going to be....And also,if havent done so yet,TICKETS TICKETS TICKETS........
Chet \Chester Barkley\ Woodward
Posted on the 2010-07-03 at 20:00
Greetins All. Great to see this comming together!! Sorry I missed the "A House" gig! When I was home last year, a bunch of us had a meet at "The House" and then 2 the Park. The A school door was open but Bob Stirner wouldnt let me go in ;(. Any way see you all in November. Saw Mad here in El Paso a bit ago.
Kyle Cooperson
Posted on the 2010-06-25 at 20:00
Love seeing the pictures of everyone getting together. PLEASE tell me we\'ll have name tags at the reunion....the only person I knew for sure in the St. Charles pics was Sue Gannon Ward. 
Bill A.
Posted on the 2010-06-21 at 20:00
Gary, Brad and Rick... here it is: suebobhill@yahoo.com
You know what to do... get on her! Good Luck!!
Jaynie Aristeo
Posted on the 2010-06-19 at 20:00
WOW......what a GREAT CAS night out at the carnival.  I saw so many faces that I have not seen in years.  It was fun to catch up and carry on about days gone by and how much fun we all had together!  I can not wait to see you all again. Everyone looked great and all had BIG smiles.  So glad i was able to make it.
Thanks Linda Edwards for talikng me into staying for the event!
Dickie/Richard Sanders
Posted on the 2010-06-19 at 20:00
Hey Everybody...Great to see all of you ! !OMG.......Diane D...REALY great to see YOU..Last night was just a preview of how great this reunion is going to be...cant wait..with that being said...Its TICKET TICKET TICKET TIME...
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-06-13 at 20:00

Leslie Andersen
Posted on the 2010-06-11 at 20:00
I never went to the "A" school, but I remember some of you well.  Some of you may remember me.  I left Cinnaminson and went to California in 1974 when I finished 8th grade.  One morning in California 1973 , I awoke to two guys sleeping on my front lawn.  Who was it?  Billy Pozniak and Sean Quinn!!  They hitched out to Orange County, California to see me.  We had a blast!!!  Party city!  The summer of 1975 I found Billy on my front lawn again.  After that trip and many roads traveled (one back to NJ where I reside now) I didn\'t hear from Billy for 35 years when I received a phone message from my daughter that Bill Pozniak called.  Well, Billy and I speak frequently and he has been a true blessing in my llife ever since.  We are great friends and he has reconnected me to my past, which has been a beautiful thing!  That being said, I look forward to seeing you in November!

Leslie Andersen
Leslie Andersen
Posted on the 2010-06-11 at 20:00
This message if for Poz... I love ya baby!  You\'re a crazy nut still there after all these years!!!  I can\'t believe you found me 35 years later.  I\'m glad you did, you\'re a great friend.  Thanks for being there for me so many times on that telephone line!  Some day I will head back West one way for the last time.  This time you better take a plane to see me; it will be a lot easier than the thumb that way!  No jail time either!  Ha Ha!!!  Love ya my friend.

Leslie Andersen
Leslie Andersen
Posted on the 2010-06-11 at 20:00
Brad Graham and Sean Quinn,

Send me a message. Billy gave me the website and I would love to say hi.

Billy, look further. There is a message for you. : )

Michael Lewis
Posted on the 2010-06-07 at 20:00
I\'m pretty excited at the thought of re-connecting with some of the folks who helped me shape my direction, and inform my choices.
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-05-31 at 20:00
OK, so the next CAS social is officially Sat, June 19th at the St Charles Carnival in Cinnaminson , NJ, 8PM in the beer ( where else ) tent. I look forward to seeing everyone there!! B
Jon landi
Posted on the 2010-05-20 at 20:00
looking forward to it !!!
Posted on the 2010-05-11 at 20:00
Just found some old photo negs from Frank\'s class
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-05-03 at 20:00
Hi all,
THANKS to all whom have sent both ticket payment and donations...much appreciated!!
IMPORTANT...if you have RSVP\'d to the reunion and have not yet fullfilled your ticket obligation...PLEASE do so now!!
Deposits have been made for caterer\'s, tent\'s etc and we are moving closer to a most EXCELLENT and UNIQUE reunion!!
Next social / event will be in June at Wood Park in Cinnaminson for our first ( in thirty something years ) COMMUNITY MEETING, all are welcome, open discussion, brainstorming will abound.
When we have finished with our round circle in the park we will all cross the street and move over to the St Charles Carnival...directly to the beer tent for a full evening of ...well....you know!! Date\'s will be finallized this week.
LeeAnn Hopkins
Posted on the 2010-04-26 at 20:00
...just taking another look at the website to see the progress...if anyone out there is hesitating buying a ticket to this once in a lifetime event because of financial reasons...pleasw contact me and I will try to help...no I am not wealthy, I am resourceful...and would like to see as many people attend as possible...
Bill Applegate
Posted on the 2010-04-22 at 20:00

Wonderful to see that so many could make it to Whister\'s... looks as though everyone enjoyed themselves. Sorry I couldn\'t make it, but what the hell, what\'s one more old hippie in a room full of hippies.

robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2010-04-14 at 20:00
the night at whistlers was only a whisper in the ear of things to come. It was really nice to see everyone and i really appreciated seeing jack
scott sandoz
Posted on the 2010-04-14 at 20:00
Greetings from Super Natural British Columbia....where buds seem common as trees, the air is fresh scented with pine, cedar and fir, the water runs freely (almost) and the people seem to really care.

I was lucky enough to have experienced the very last year of the A-school and was one of the few that had to be merged back into reality. I learned that year, I was a public speaker...and spoke out in front of hundreds, plus I really learn to love learning....although i totally slacked off in my 11th grade. My senior year I had 1.5 years worth of learning to graduate......for the 1st time in my life, I was on the honor role......i attribute this to learning to love learning....thank you A School!!
scott sandoz
Posted on the 2010-04-14 at 20:00
PS.....JACK HINGER is the BEST! Love you Jack!
Brian Shuler
Posted on the 2010-04-13 at 20:00
A few random memories:
- Ray\'s class trips, including the U. S. Supreme Court and a night trip to LaSalle (?) to see a film about Attica.
- Congressman\'s Forsythe\'s visit. Apparently, he came to pat the heads of a few hippies. Instead he was greeted with tough questions about the war and other foolishness.
- Camp Ockanickon (sp) food protest.
- Balloons descending on community meeting.
- Fran asking a recent transfer from the H. S. -  who shall remain nameless - who was whining about something, "What would you like us to do, wipe your ass for you?"
- Trip to Stratford, Connecticut, to see King Lear.
- Reading current books from Cherry Hill Book Store. Every quarter.
- Mid-morning Mister Donut visit.
- Walt\'s mom and Kathy\'s mom in the office.
- Hissing at the suits as they came to work in the morning.
- The prevalence of laughter, respect and understanding. Imagine.
Raymond Scalia
Posted on the 2010-04-13 at 20:00
Hi Brian... thanks for bringing me back to those great years we spent together ... It\'s special to recall watching all of you sitting there in with the Supreme Court in session taking it all in and then walking over to old Edwin Forsythe\'s congressional office and seeing you guys politely but forcefully confront him on the war... Brian, were you on the trips to the Watergate Hearings that same year?  and by the way...I do remember quite well the trip to see the Attica documentary [it was at U of PA] ... that movie was a gut wrenching eye opener to a reality much removed from our lives.  Looking forward to see you at the reunion!
Jaynie Marie Aristeo
Posted on the 2010-04-12 at 20:00
WOW..............I am sad that I missed out on the pre-reunion party at Whistlers last Friday night.  I wanted so bad to come, but had other commitments that I could not break.  The photos showed how much fun everyone was having.  Hopefully I can make the next one.
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-04-11 at 20:00
After months and months of dreaming first, then planning, I would have felt hard pressed to imagine that I was anything but unprepared emotionally for our first tribal gathering Fri night. I mean having been in contact with so many of you recently including falculty should have prepared me, yet I walked in that door only to be stunned with emotion, damned near speechless for a good 10-15 minutes until I could collect my composure. What I walked into was not just my past or mere nostalgia but rather an instant validation, yeah, I\'m not crazy, that special CAS experience really DID happen .The look on ALL of your faces  displayed the same comfort and elation that was buzzing through me. Individually we have all "known" what that experience was and how it has impacted us, but the sheer collective validation of all of us being back in the same room again was numbing, words were not even required.

Ray most aptly put it...I find it almost impossible to explain to anyone whom did not share in that experience what it was " like " or how  special it really was...but again, the joy and emotion on all your faces  bathed and enveloped me in that moment ...I was right back...again.

For those that I failed to recognize immediately please forgive me , the night flew by, it should have been longer!!

It would seem that the pandoras box has again been opened, the cat\'s out of the bag and from here on in I am NOT going to lose touch ever again.

So.... another mixer/social will happen ( YAY!!! ) in June with a CAS night out at the St Charles Carnival ( in the beer tent of course ) in Cinnaminson along with a proposed CAS CAMPOUT ( yes you read right ) sometime in the fall..perhaps some canoeing, campfires, guitars.... you know, we\'ve done that together a few times already....

The CAS reunion BAND is currently hot on the heels of a soon to be announced performance....Randy L, JD, Chet, Bob Glass, Mike Mezzie, myself and others will be involved...lots of tunes that we were playing at the time...

Hundreds of hours of video shot from 73-76 are in the process of being reviewed and converted to DVD...real time, crazy day in the life stuff, with sound...full classes being taught, community meetings, camping trips etc.

More than anything else, THANKS to all whom attended Friday night, the snowball has offically crested the hill folks and it\'s a rollin\' down towards this summer and November!!

Thanks to all whom have sent their funds for tickets along with additional donations!! Now is the time to purchase tickets as we are in full steam mode towards OUR , very special reunion.

                        Best to all and see you soon!!

Kathy Murphy
Posted on the 2010-04-11 at 20:00
BTW, the name of that photo is "Mommy & them Hippies"
Kathy Murphy
Posted on the 2010-04-11 at 20:00
Wow I wish I would have paid attention to facebook sooner that this! I would have come to Whistlers. Put me on the list. I\'ll send that check this week. See ya there.
Paul Adison
Posted on the 2010-04-10 at 20:00
 I am still riding this high from Friday night.  What a contrast to what I expected.  Such a community we have formed over these years.  I saw no posturing or pretense.  Quite a difference from other school reunions I have experienced.  Thanks again to the people who put this together and the "flash mob" gathering.  The people I were with were just wonderful.  I wish I had more time to get to the other side of the room.  It\'s been 34 years since I have seen any of you.  I\'m just sorry it took this long to get together.
Maureen Steward Novotasky
Posted on the 2010-04-10 at 20:00
Great to see so many smiling faces Friday night! Had a wonderful time catching up with everyone. Bob S.,  the offer still stands, if a warmer weather outdoor get together is in the making, we have plenty of room out here in Chatsworth! Fran told me he worked at Mick\'s canoe rental, just down the road a bit.  Perhaps an "activity day", followed by a "pitch a tent and party night"!!
Sharon Molotsky
Posted on the 2010-04-10 at 20:00

Friday night was a blast! Looking around the place and feeling that sense of community once again was just the best. Thanks to whoever put the idea out there!

daughter of brian
Posted on the 2010-04-10 at 20:00
my father, brian shuler, suggested i view this page and read about his school. i am a high school teacher, working for the man and teaching the students kept down by him the most.
i truly liked what i read in the "note from lee". i think that this school existed is great and i hope that teachers push for more "alternative" forms of education. with the current charter school boom, i believe our nation\'s educators are starting to realize and act to change a system that is frankly, very broken. unfortunately, it continues to be the alternate, rather than incorporated into the "mainstream". cheers on your accomplishments in organizing and running your high school. i\'m sure its existence influenced my father\'s life which in some ways influenced my decision to teach.
Posted on the 2010-04-09 at 20:00
Two of the passions I developed at the A-School are for geodesic domes and camping. Friends of ours participated in the National Wildlife Federation\'s "Great American Backyard Campout" last June and enjoyed it so much they kept going. They blew past 100 days last fall and with a little help from their friends have weathered the winter. Recently, the Boston Globe picked up the story. Check out the links below for the full story and to see if you can recognize Jeanie or me in the pics. We are traveling down from our home in MA today for the chance to see old friends at the American House (aka Whistlers). Hope to see you there!
Two of the passions I developed at the A-School are for geodesic domes and camping. Friends of ours participated in the National Wildlife Federation\'s "Great American Backyard Campout" last June and enjoyed it so much they kept going. They blew past 100 days last fall and with a little help from their friends have weathered the winter. Recently, the Boston Globe picked up the story. Check out the links below for the full story and to see if you can recognize Jeanie or me in the pics. We are traveling down from our home in MA today for the chance to see old friends at the American House (aka Whistlers). Hope to see you there! 
andrea epstein eahart
Posted on the 2010-04-09 at 20:00

It was a great night at whristlers everybody looks great,Had a really good time.Hi to all.

Paul Adison
Posted on the 2010-04-09 at 20:00
 What a great time at Whistlers last night.  It\'s been 34 years since I\'ve seen anyone.  What fun.  Thanks for putting this together.
Richard/Dickie Sanders
Posted on the 2010-04-09 at 20:00
Hey All ! ! What a blast last night at Whislers...How about every friday night till reunion....Anyhow,great to see all of you.
Charlene Thellmann
Posted on the 2010-04-09 at 20:00
Whistlers was a blast! Squirt (Dicky), why are you in almost every photo???
Ray S.
Posted on the 2010-04-09 at 20:00

Hi all.... last eve at Whistler\'s Inn was so wonderful ... Walking through the crowded room and seeing all your smiling faces and especially the light in your eyes … was an experience that lit up that place in me where joy resides … After so many years of not seeing each other and leading our separate lives ... having our way-ups and way-downs in life … to now after all these years reconnect as a group … opened up a sense of transcending the space between “then” and “now” …  I\'ve re-recognized in a deeper way how transforming the alternative school experience was for me … and I believe for so many of us.   I was struck by a common comment that came up in several of the individual conversations I had last eve ... the theme that reemerged multiple times was one of being unable to adequately explain your profound experience of the Alternative School to your friends, family and kids who came into your lives in the years after leaving the school.  
    I\'ve thought about it. Obviously, a profoundly powerful group bonding experience is not unique … but what was unique for us was that it occurred in a
public school …. and what\'s even more so is that it occurred between students, teachers, volunteers, some parents and even other folks who just hung out there! … So, to talk to someone else about a “school” in that regard leaves them a bit a bewildered … because of what “school” means to them certain things just aren\'t going to compute when you explain it.    Anyway.... it is just a real joy for me to listen to you all talk about what the “school” experience uniquely means to you in the here and now of your life.  See you all in November.  :)

linda dimassimo
Posted on the 2010-04-09 at 20:00
It was great seeing so many faces, sorry to those I did not remember. But today I looked at some the old pics and now puttings names those faces I remember. Do will all look so different today! Thanks for a great night!
debbie ferrara
Posted on the 2010-04-09 at 20:00
Wow!!What a great time last night!It was so nice to see everybody!what really touched my heart was that even though we haven\'t seen each other for so many years we still had that bond of friendship.And we always will !I can\'t wait for November!!
Posted on the 2010-04-08 at 20:00
I\'ll be in Lexington on friday, so I want someone to represent me well by voting to start early, end late and enjoy the time in between.
Jerry Downs
Posted on the 2010-04-08 at 20:00
Just got back from Whistler\'s Inn and all I can say is WOW! Fantastic to see everyone there.
Posted on the 2010-04-05 at 20:00
I just wanted to make sure every one is awake
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-04-05 at 20:00
Yup, awake and very much looking forward to seeing many of you this Fri, April 9th at Whistler\'s Inn ( the ol\' A house ) for our first CAS reunion get together/social!! It\'s starting to look like a LOT of folks are coming including Ray Scalia, Lee Oberparleiter and Fran Hennesey. The taps are gonna be flowing, the wings are gonna be wingin\' and we are going to have the first CAS pre reunion party of this year!!
See ya all there at 8PM!!
Kyra Karsch
Posted on the 2010-04-01 at 20:00
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the memories from when I was young!  When I was so passionate (thank you John for reminding me of what a maniac I was) and when young boys fantasized about me (thanks Walt!)  I really had no idea...I thought you learned a lot in my class! 

I\'m considering retiring now.  I am currently the Social Studies and World Language Supervisor in Cinnaminson.  I was actually laid off in 1990 and returned in 1995, then got my Ph.D. at age 50. 

Looking forward to the next stage of my life.  Any suggestons?  I\'m listening.

Richard/Dickie Sanders
Posted on the 2010-03-31 at 20:00
Hi everyone !Listen to what Jaynie has to say..Shes a woman that knows what shes talkin about...always has...Just a great long time friend...and woman.Cant wait to see you Jaynie !!..About the ticket thing.This event is worth much more than what these tickets are costing..Not just for the expereance,but were getting alot.Its like an investment for the mind....for those of you who dont live in the area anymore,like you Jaynie,there is such a buzzzzz around here with this A-school reunion coming up...did i just say "buzz"..hahaha.Get your ticks. cant wait,cant wait,cant wait ! ! !Dont for get...questions of any kind,and stuff like that,contact Bob Glass..Thanks AGAIN to Bob Glass,Bob Stirner,and all whos taking part in putting this event togather..see ya
Jaynie Marie Aristeo
Posted on the 2010-03-30 at 20:00
I just wrote the check and it is going into the mail today for the CAS Reunion.  I should have done it long ago, so that our friends on this committee can keep things rolling along.  I suggest you take a minute and do the same.  We all know we want to go to this great event, so get your check in today so the committee can plan for a wonderful time for all of us.
Looking forward to seeing all of you there!
John Blair
Posted on the 2010-03-28 at 20:00

I should have done this months ago.

Hello everyone! I want to thank you all for contributing to one of the most formative and important experiences of my life
. You showed me what learning could be, should be, and didn\'t have to be - hence I left teaching. I learned to love learning; learning what I wanted to learn, and I found that that has no place in formal education/training - nor should it or can it.

For years I couldn\'t think about what happened, I still haven\'t read Hinger\'s 30 yr old  Requiem for a School. I still don\'t want to relive the anger - the essay\'s here, somewhere in my office. I still can\'t justify our closing but I think understand it now; Big Education is about daycare, training, careers and retirement. "Keep the doors open and the lid on."

There is simply too much at stake to risk the uncertain outcomes of individual exploration in a democratic environment.
"That\'s Fourth-of-July\' talk."
"And I should save it for the Fourth of July?"
"That\'s right."
(Part of a dialog from my one term stint on the local school board. I was not re-elected. I\'m not a cheerleader.)

I\'m proud of everything we did, and every mistake we made. I\'ve come to see that if you\'re not making mistakes you\'re not trying hard enough - or you\'re already dead.

Life is not lost by dying,
life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day,
in a thousand small uncaring ways.
  S.V. Benet

I\'ve lived in latte-land, the land of the terminally polite, for over thirty years. I\'m looking forward to at least a few days where discussion is a contact sport, ridicule-based humor is an art form and people can believe in something deeply enough to argue emotionally.
I\'m looking forward to seeing Kyra jump up crying, and shouting "Go on, go on! Ignore this, ignore this!"

I definitely should have done this months ago.

See you all in November.

Worse than ever.  jb
LeeAnn Hopkins
Posted on the 2010-03-28 at 20:00
Even though I have not been directly involved with planning this wonderful event, I have been lucky enough to be reaquainted with several folks from my A school past, and am looking forward to seeing those I have not. I got the most enjoyment out of school in general at the A school, and continue learning whenever possible...having learned about diversity, nutrition, diplomacy, friendship, nature, and so many other things, the Aschool gave me a firm foundation to help start my adult life. Thank you to all involved...see you April 9th...

LeeAnn Hopkins
Bob Glass
Posted on the 2010-03-26 at 20:00
Nice one Johnny!   I don\'t have an ipod so I grabbed my son Sean\'s.  ( 9 years old )  Here we go:
1) Surfin\' Bird,Trashmen
2) Gitchee Gitchee Goo, Phineas and Ferb
3) Old Man, Neil Young
4) We are the Champions, Queen
5) Fire Burning, Sean Kingston
6) Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Cyndi Lauper
7) Dancing Queen, ABBA  Note: Thats not from my side of the family
8) Doing The Sponge, SpongeBob SquarePants
9) Should I Stay Or Should I Go. The Clash
10) We will Rock You, Queen
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-03-26 at 20:00


Many folks are going to attend, should be a BLAST, wings, brews, good people!!!

    BE THERE!!!
Bill Applegate
Posted on the 2010-03-26 at 20:00
Hey Walter,

Sounds like you\'re still trippin\' dude... all that crap about the A-School. Shit, Who are we kiddin\', most of us are lucky to be alive.

Love Ya\' Man
Bill Applegate
Posted on the 2010-03-24 at 20:00
Yo Bob,

Don\'t have the $50... how about a bud of sensemia and a qualude?
Walter Murray
Posted on the 2010-03-24 at 20:00
I\'ll tell you what, folks. The years at the Alternative School were some of the best in my life. I didn\'t realize until after I left the AS how wonderful all of you were. What a brilliant, creative, curious group of people. I wish I had explored more and taken a greater variety of classes. What a great opportunity we created. I am so glad I was part of it, and it still pays me dividends. I cherish all the memories; both the clear ones and the foggy ones. What a great faculty, staff and student body. Can\'t wait to see you all again.
J.Scott Glass
Posted on the 2010-03-24 at 20:00
I\'m loving the names and faces that are starting to show up. 
   I tunes Last 10, At home shuffle, after bowling, enjoying a couple of Guinness
1) Signe, Clapton
2)Evil Ways, Santana
3)Cosmic Debris, Zappa
4)Hyacinth House, Doors
5)20th Century Man, Kinks
6)Bang A Gong, T Rex
7)Spanish Bombs, Clash
8)Gaudete, Steelye Span
9)Maybellene, Berry
10)Catapult, REM
Bob Applegate
Posted on the 2010-03-24 at 20:00

APRIL 16th

This is my first fund raiser...SO DON\'T LET ME DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-03-23 at 20:00
Our goals for the reunion are SLOWLY coming into place, Kyra attended the last planning meeting and it was great to see her!!
Our short list still factors around rounding up as many CAS students as we can and believe me when I say that we have been diligent in or efforts. The fact remains that we are still shy over half of the attending student body and that we greatly need everyone\'s help on this.
Many folks we know are coming yet have not yet climbed aboard the website guestbook or classmates section. It is important for all to get aboard as it creates even more excitement about the reunion as time passes. Many however are completely unaccounted for and this is where YOU come in. If everyone currently visiting this site took a  proactive stance to encourage other students ( either those that we are aware know about the reunion of or not ) to climb aboard, our mission and monetary goals would be met shortly. This might require reaching out, making a few calls and maybe having to repeat those calls to encourage folks to climb on the reunion train and to provide us with their email addresses for contact.
Truly the reunion has been an absolute labor of love and has been driven solely by our love and passion to make it happen in the RIGHT fashion, at the old A school and in the old A school spirit and philosophy.
Truly also all initial funds came out of scant few pockets as we did not have the luxury of an alumni association structure or purse.
It has taken 30 something years to make this reunion finally happen so NOW is the time to pledge both your personal and ( more importantly at this juncture ) MONETARY support for our, VERY SPECIAL reunion !!! If you have not yet sent in your monies for tickets PLEASE do so!! If you are able to donate time, services or money...even better!!
My involvement and participation in the reunion has been an incredibly personal and emotional endevour but it would seem that ALL of you share in those same, special, amazing emotions that we shared together between 73-77.
A true, community action is needed here to grow our base and to realize our dream to reunite the Cinnaminson Alternative School at LEAST one more time!!! I relish seeing you all again REALLY soon!!!  Bob
Susan (Applegate) Hill
Posted on the 2010-03-23 at 20:00
Well..well..well. There are so many names I have not heard of in a very long time. It is wonderful showing my now 23 year old son all the pictures. I will try my hardest to make it up for the reunion.
Jaynie Marie Aristeo
Posted on the 2010-03-23 at 20:00
Hello my fellow A-School students.  It is so exciting to see the list getting longer of old friends that i have lost touch with.  This reunion is certainly going to be a GREAT time for all of us.  Let\'s continue to spread the word so that no one is left out.  Looking forward to seeing you and giving thanks for all we have on our Thanksgiving weekend reunion!
Walter Murray
Posted on the 2010-03-23 at 20:00
Wow. I saw that picture of Danette Distefano on the main page and my old high school hormones started racing. What a babe. I hear that Kyra is also involved now. Va va va voom. I don\'t remember learning much in her clasess. Too involved in my fantasies. Since I am even more handsome and dashing than I was back in high school, I anticipate both of them will be swooning over me at the reunion. You\'ve been warned, ladies.
Walter Murray
Posted on the 2010-03-23 at 20:00

So glad to hear you\'re involved. Can\'t wait to see you again.

- Walter
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-03-22 at 20:00
Oh yeah,
lest we not forget our first CAS Reunion social (read PARTY ) FRIDAY APRIL 9TH at WHISTLERS INN ( the old American House ) on Rt 130 in Cinnaminson, NJ / 8 PM till........
My sense is that this is going to be a VERY well attended event and a very FUN gathering of the tribe!!
Kyra Kosak Karsch
Posted on the 2010-03-18 at 20:00
Hi everyone,

Went to the meeting last night at Bob Stirner\'s and feel so guilty that it took me so long to get to this website.  They\'ve been doing so much planning and preparing for this fantastic event - and what they need now is our money!  If we want to eat and drink, and if we want to hold a community meeting in a huge tent (the all purpose room at the Eleanor Phillips School is now a theater with seats on the floor) then we better commit! 

This is very exciting!  Everyone who is anyone will be there!  I\'m sending in my money today!
robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2010-03-17 at 20:00
anyone have any pictures of the 1974 graduation?
Bill Applegate
Posted on the 2010-03-15 at 20:00
If anyone wants to stay in Cinnaminson on the 27th, we can get a great rate if we book 10 rooms or more a the Sleep Inn. The rooms would be only $79.95 for the night and the place is decent (sorry guys, no hourly rates). Let me know if you are interested... 856-229-3763
Richard/Dickie Sanders
Posted on the 2010-03-12 at 19:00
I AM GETTIN PUMPED BROTHERS&SISTERS,HA HAAA ! !THIS IS MORE EXCITING THAN MY FIRST.....WELL,,WHAT EVERRR.SPREAD THE WORD TO ONE AND ALL,YEEEE HAAAAA. YOOO DEEEE ! ! Howard Perry,hop on board brother ! ! ! And to Joe/Verp Volpe,fire up........the old VW and lets see how fast it will go on Tom Brown Rd...CANT WAIT ! ! 
Bob Applegate
Posted on the 2010-03-10 at 19:00
Hey Rick...I\'m sorry PAL!  You were certainly an important person...We had alot of great times together and I MISS you!  I am doing my best to also get everyone to come!  Sue and I are going on a 10 day cruise in May to the carribean, so one night drunk I will talk her into coming...LOL.  Also Barrie and Cheryl Median are on-bound.  We are looking for Scott Forbes?  Brad you better get you ass up here for the reunion!
We need to get this puppy paid for$$$.  Let have a Friday donation day...were everyone kicks in an extra $50.  I know we can do it!
OK...I\'m putting it together
Offically Friday April 16th is KICK in $50 day...after you KICK IN...post up your donation in the Guest Book!
Bob Applegate
Posted on the 2010-03-10 at 19:00
 I created a facebook group called
Cinnaminson Alternative School
It is open to all users...this can help with the networking.  I started by sending a group invite to everyone on my friends list.  Please join group and send to your friends!  Further, it was started with my picture and be great if others added fun pictures of themselves and they past and present lives!  Wait to you see my daughter Katrina...Total Applegate...LOL
Bob Applegate
Posted on the 2010-03-10 at 19:00

Hey is the link to the new facebook group!

Becky Hauser-Stsauveur and Jamie "Feller" Genre said they will be coming...LOL

rick kleeman
Posted on the 2010-03-09 at 19:00

I just found out about the big event i"ll be there,im going to try to get Brad Graham who\'s in florida to come up,Geno Marquis will be there also,and im going to grow my hair in afro,and Bobby applegate you didnt mention my name I only went out with your sister.

Bob Applegate
Posted on the 2010-03-04 at 19:00
My memories of the A school...
Well I think I was in 6th or 7th grade....Cinnaminson Middle School...
My brother Bill and sister Sue both attended so it was a great place to go after I cut school;  Which was most of the time!!!!  When I wasn\'t outside the school burning a Fatty, I would meet Barrie Medina and play football with gang!
Alot of great memories of the A school just a a brother of the students.  I remember the first graduation also...  Debbie Jordan, Gary, Bob Glass and many others.  I will definitely be at the reunion!  I think in honor of the event I am going to grow my hair to my ass again....LOL
Bill Applegate
Posted on the 2010-03-02 at 19:00
Great to see all of you again...
Bob Applegate
Posted on the 2010-03-02 at 19:00
wow....long time no see...see ya all at the open bar!
Posted on the 2010-02-28 at 19:00
paul email me r.tokarczyk@comcast.net
David Bliss
Posted on the 2010-02-27 at 19:00
Shuffle play - what are the 1st 10 random songs to come up on your music player?
1. No Exit, The Pentangle
2. Vuelo, Cuatro Vientos (cool wind quartet, a real favorite)
3. All Along the Watchtower, U2
4. Just Like Starting Over, John Lennon (I was in rural massachusetts and did not find out until the day after, at work making guitars)
5. Everlasting Love, Smokie Robinson
6. Light My Fire, The Doors (first heard the long version at Jeff Parmer\'s house)
7. Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Ray Charles (I prefer his earlier Atlantic R&B years)
8. Mr. Brightside, The Killers (not sure where this one came from)
9. Crystal Blue Persuasion, Tommy James and the Shondels (incomparable psychedelic pop)
10. Don\'t You Leave Me Here, Hot Tuna (recently seen at the Somerville Theatre on their 50th Anniversary Tour)
Recommended current music: Bela Fleck, Throw Down Your Heart. Bela travels to Africa to find where it all began with the banjo.

Paul Adison
Posted on the 2010-02-27 at 19:00
 Well, this is just great.  I am looking forward to this event.  Robert, lets finally have that lunch we were going to have 20 years ago.  Lets get together with Mark.
Posted on the 2010-02-24 at 19:00
HEY EVERYBODY !!...whos been checking out this site and signing this guest book and has plans of coming to this event(lots of ands)...the "clock is tickin"everyone needs to respond ASAP.Get your tickets,and or contact the "contact us" part of this site,or Bob Glass direct.Questions and stuff like that,contact Bob Glass,PLEASE...Quoting my self,again..This event is "History Coming Back TO Life"its gona be an all day Blast.Everyone and anyone is welcome,student or not. Got to act ASAP.Cant wait to see everybody....hey Robert T,where you be?? And Joe Volpe(Verp),see you soon.Were gona have an F-in BLAST.
Julie Mezzy
Posted on the 2010-02-12 at 19:00
News Flash: Bro Mike was seen hanging out with Sean Quinn, Walter Murray, Poz, and I forget who else.
Posted on the 2010-02-10 at 19:00
anybody out there, just nod so i can hear u
Jeff Parmer
Posted on the 2010-01-30 at 19:00
 Wow, this is really cool! Although I wasn't fortunate enough to be able to attend the A-School, thanks to my Mom. I would have loved going there, but that's ok I  left Jersey for Oregon in '76 after graduating from CHS in '74. I feel a kindred spirit with all that attended. Right on , Right on is all I can say. I'm glad the reunion is open to everyone because I want to come and get in on the music jam. I'll bring my harmonica. Randy Lippincott if you are reading this thanks for turning me onto Blind Faith. Let's jam brothers! David Bliss it was great seeing you at the CHS reunion in '94 and I am glad you got the ball rolling on this. 
carol klemm hughes
Posted on the 2010-01-28 at 19:00
It's been a looooooong time! Does anyone even feel like we ever passed over to the adult side??
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-01-27 at 19:00
Hey Gary, U currently ain't my type babe.......do you have a blonde wig?
Posted on the 2010-01-27 at 19:00
fuckin-a buba. if you do need help  with setting this up let me know 
Posted on the 2010-01-27 at 19:00
To THE MAN with the hottest car back in the day..GARY K...OLDS 442.got to get a pic. put in cars drove in the day photo alblem..Garyyyyyy !!
Posted on the 2010-01-26 at 19:00


Richard/Dickie Sanders
Posted on the 2010-01-24 at 19:00
Hey Robert..Get naked now,or at reunion? LOL LOL.For you early A-schoolers,im the younger brother of Mark Sanders.Got to spend my 10th grade,75 thru 76,w/orig.staff.(if you havent done so yet,check out photo tribute to the final year w/ orig. staff),along w/all the other great shots from the earlier days.My connection and great friendship has remained w/the likes of Robert&Mindy Tokarczyk , Bob Stirner and a few others from the past.Thanks to the help of Robert T.for getting my photos posted of the years 75thru76...Now alot of you may be checking out this site and planing on atending..please,please,please,,respond asap to Bob Glass,or Bob Stirner or make your ticket purch.or both..Anyone and everyone connected in ANY way to this school,,student or not is welcome.This is not your avg."school reunion"..This is,,,History coming back to life...so jump on board,if you havent done so yet.post away in this guest book too.
Posted on the 2010-01-23 at 19:00

contact every one you know so we can make this a success. everyone get naked lol

Jerry Downs
Posted on the 2010-01-22 at 19:00
Count me in on the band! What a great idea. Hey Steve Moorehouse! Hoping you would turn up. It's been a long time since we listened to Ronnie Lane's Slim Chance together. Look forward to seeing you and everyone else.

steve moorhouse
Posted on the 2010-01-21 at 19:00
Not an alumni but I have fond memories of hanging around the A-School, Wood Park and many of you. I still think of you all, especially when the old music drifts in....funny how that happens. All the best to you, my friends.
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-01-21 at 19:00
NEWS FLASH...just in from the advance CAS planning union and the Utility Muffin Research Kitchen...those of us whom were part of the A school experience but didn't actually attend are not only welcome but encouraged to attend.
At our first get together, Bob Glass, myself, Ray and Lee had opportunity to see many photos and an old 8mm film of Ray's.. and to our pleasure found that many of the folks in the photo's did not actually attend ( shocker )....they were just "there" all the time. It has been our expressed mission  to try to recapture, reassemble if you will a day in the life at CAS...SO....having said that...ALL THAT CHOOSE TO ATTEND THE REUNION ARE WELCOME!!
Moving on rapidly...we are going to try to assemble an "All Star CAS Band " for the week of the reunion...thought it would be cool to have real, live bands but even cooler...a band that comprised many of the folks that were jamming together at that time with an evenings worth of music ( Rolling Stones, Peter Tosh, Grateful Dead, Lightning Hopkins etc, etc ) that we were playing at the time...likely suspects....Randy, JD, Chet Woodward,Bob Glass, myself , Bob Schmidt ( if we can locate him or his brother Jeff or Julie?????? ) etc. etc.
Which brings up another question /request to everyone to try to reach out to yet another CAS student that is not represented here...your help is GREATLY appreciated as we have been having a tough time locating many folks.
Lastly, please think about what YOU would like to DO that weekend...more exactly...what would make the reunion weekend MOST like going back in the time tunnel...music, certain activity,building geo domes, driving somewhere in a bus with Chuck Mattern ( thanks for that one David Bliss!!), sex, drugs....WHAT!!!!!!?????
Ellen Meckel
Posted on the 2010-01-15 at 19:00
OMG!!!  you guys have done such a great job gathering these pictures!!!  I just had a wonderful time viewing them all.
Harryette Atkinson Cipoletti
Posted on the 2010-01-15 at 19:00
AKA-Harry -OMG - Now I feel old. LOL  I wouldn't miss this! I was there in 1976-78 with DICKIE  (Love ya,  Dickie!)   This will be so much fun!!!  
Posted on the 2010-01-15 at 19:00
paul adison email me please r.tokarczyk@comcast.net
Ann Glass Obert
Posted on the 2010-01-14 at 19:00
Unfortunately I did not attend the "A" school but was lucky enough to have Kyra and Jack in the High School.  I also had the pleasuer of knowing must of you through my brothers. Some of my favorite memories are of heading to Hawk Mountain on sunday mornings in Joe's van with my brother Bob and the Schmidt brothers.  I hope to get to see everyone next fall.
Posted on the 2010-01-13 at 19:00
As Richard, I haven't grown up either;  for me you only stop growing, and learning when you're dead, and who knows even then.
Richard/Dickie Sanders
Posted on the 2010-01-12 at 19:00
I havent grown up yet..is that ok??? haha.kinda kidding.I cant wait to be my 10th grade self again.As i said in the photo section i posted,this IS great history coming back to life.
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2010-01-11 at 19:00
OK, general consensus is that will SHOULD have name tags but only if accompanied by those swirly, XRAY specs to go along...you know, the kind you found in the back of  comic books, sold by the Johnson Smith Novelty Co...actually the woopie cushions worked much better.....
Keep the post's and pic's coming....wow...B
Samuel Speiser
Posted on the 2010-01-11 at 19:00
I keep trying to avoid participating but I just can't help it......HELLO I MISS YOU ALL AND THE (strange, wonderful, electric) TIMES WE SHARED! Ok I said it. Love - Sammy
Posted on the 2010-01-11 at 19:00
woopie cushions should be handed out at the door, this would create conversation when used, and I want a name taqg so I will remember myself
Posted on the 2010-01-11 at 19:00
who is going to spike the punch?
Posted on the 2010-01-11 at 19:00
Welcome to the home of the Johnson Smith Company, one of the oldest catalog companies in the United States. A household name in novelties, gifts and collectibles since 1914.
Posted on the 2010-01-10 at 19:00
alice post more if you got em
Posted on the 2010-01-09 at 19:00
post post post
Posted on the 2010-01-09 at 19:00
does anyone have a picture of me and my blue 60 bug. if anyone has any spectacular black and white negatives i have a dark room and can print
alice borowsky
Posted on the 2010-01-03 at 19:00
Hello old friends and happy new year to you all. I've been sifting through all my old photos and negatives to submit images to this site - and boy the memories, (and lack of memories) are overwhelming.  I can't wait to see you all.  Like my old friend Sue Cohen, I vote for nametags too!   Thank you to all the event organizers and let me know if you need any help. Til later this year, Alice
robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2010-01-02 at 19:00
is everybody affraid to post? don' t be silly,,,,,,,post!
Linda Birkenbach
Posted on the 2010-01-02 at 19:00
I'm looking forward to the reunion and seeing everyone. I have great memories from the A-School classes, teachers, and all of the extra-curricular activities!
robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2009-12-26 at 19:00
does anyone have a picture of me and my 60 bug. if anyone has any spectacular black and white negatives i have a dark room and can print
Posted on the 2009-12-24 at 19:00

sounds like its time to P A R T Y  

Linda Edwards
Posted on the 2009-12-08 at 19:00
Hey there !  I am really looking forward to seeing all of you and thanks for the great memories of my high school days !
robert tokarczyk
Posted on the 2009-12-07 at 19:00
we need a reel to reel 1/2" video player to play a school vids, can anyone help?
Jaynie Marie Aristeo
Posted on the 2009-11-26 at 19:00
WOW............this is such a GREAT idea, and I am so looking forward to seeing all my old friends.  Some that I have not seen since I left for San Diego back in 1982.  It will be nice to see everyone all grown up.....well at least older!
Thanks to the small group with the BIG hearts to get this reunion together.  The A school was such an inspiration and growing experience for me, I can't wait to see and party with all of you again!
Jeanie Harris
Posted on the 2009-11-21 at 19:00
 Hello to the Alernative School reunion people. I absolutely cannot wait for this event.... memories, memories, memories.  where to begin???  Henry the eighth  dinner party where we all dressed up and ate with our hands!! In Herman Tull's basement ! Chuck Mattern was the king !!! Does anyone have that video????  Would love to see it.  All the fun classes !! The Teachings of Don Juan, how to study the Mafia, and Edible plants. the list goes on and on.... Have a great thanksgiving to all. see you next year.
Ellen Meckel
Posted on the 2009-11-20 at 19:00
Never went to the A school but lived across the street and wished!!!! I remember all you guys! Hope you have a great time and let the "OTHERS" come. 
Barry Chatzinoff
Posted on the 2009-11-19 at 19:00
I wish this was happening this Thanksgiving. Can't wait to see everyone.
Posted on the 2009-11-18 at 19:00
Scott Glass
Posted on the 2009-11-18 at 19:00
Cindy, round here we say "Hey y'all". Great idea, unfortunately it's been thirty three years since I've been in touch with the crowd. Sounds like continueing education, I wouldn't miss it.
Randy Lippincott
Posted on the 2009-11-15 at 19:00
Greetings friends, Just talked with John Blair for about one hour, after not talking for all this time. Bob Stirnir gave me his number and I am still buzzing. Let's all get together and enjoy each other's company one more time, eh? To all of the teachers, thank you!
Bob Stirner
Posted on the 2009-11-14 at 19:00
Since graduating from CAS I have spent the last 30 or so years chasing, loving and living my true passions and life dreams. The teachers and environment at the A school allowed me not only to ID my own sense of bliss and happiness but to live it every day as well. I almost can't wait to see everyone assembled at that school again!!! I trust a massive party will ensue, one that we have all been saving up for thirty years or more and more importantly, one that will rekindle new "old" relationships from here on in.
LeeAnn Hopkins
Posted on the 2009-11-10 at 19:00
Hey all!!!
This event will surely be exciting and nostalgic.
Looking forward to talking to friends, and mentors of the past.
C ya soon.......
Richard Sanders
Posted on the 2009-11-03 at 19:00
Cant wait..Im still called Dickie by the people that know me from the past.Was lucky enough to have my 10th grade year with the orig. staff.Doing my best to track down students from the same year.The Longs,Judy,Charlet,Pete&steve,Joe Volpe(verp)etc.etc.
Joy Sherman Myhre
Posted on the 2009-11-03 at 19:00
Part of the A school from 75-77. All hadchanged in 76-77. Dottie B (something) took over and it was never the same. I was lucky enough to stare at the stars with John, learn to crochet an afgan in art with Ray, still sit in a school chair in business math with Lori and learn about the Mobs with Kyra,  learn how to be a creative writer with Jack and of course -Volley Ball with Franny ( I still play in the womens league in Cinnaminson).  Met the love of my life there and married him 25 years ago - Bill Myhre
Donna Yannessa
Posted on the 2009-11-02 at 19:00
While not a graduate (moved from Cinna. before the A-school opened), I was friends with many and have fond memories of hanging around the A-School (& Woodpark after hours). Looking forward to the reunion (I'll be with JD).
Robert Tokarczyk
Posted on the 2009-11-01 at 19:00
this is great
Kyle Cooperson
Posted on the 2009-10-30 at 20:00
I am truly sorry that I will not be able to attend this event. Thanksgiving always happens here at my house for my family, who travel in from the east and northwest, as well as northern California. I am especially sorry to miss seeing the entire faculty. Please take tons of photos for those of us who cannot be present. That was a terrific place to spend my high school years.
Nancy Stetler
Posted on the 2009-10-30 at 20:00
Sounds great!  Hope that I can make it!  Love the webpage:  great work.  -- Nancy
Linda Molotsky DiMassimo
Posted on the 2009-10-30 at 20:00
love to come. let me know if you need any help
David Bliss
Posted on the 2009-10-30 at 20:00
The inspiration for this came to Jeanie and me on a long car ride back from Ithaca NY (one scene on the '73 college tour) to our home in Melrose MA. We got to talking about the 2 "Class of 74" reunions and how there were far too few A-Schoolers there. We brainstormed and came up with an initial list and took it as far as we could. Thanks to Bob and Bob for picking this up beyond belief!
Susan Cohen Harris
Posted on the 2009-10-30 at 20:00
Thanks to the Bob's & Dave for all your hardwork. I'm afraid I may need nametags, with large type. See you next year.
Brian Shuler
Posted on the 2009-10-30 at 20:00
This is great. I'm happy to help in any way. Please don't hesitate to ask.
Jerry Downs
Posted on the 2009-10-29 at 20:00
Greetings friends! Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Bob Glass
Posted on the 2009-10-14 at 20:00
Hello everyone!  It's been too long.  Looking forward to seeing everybody. 

