The Backstory

2010 Reunion Intro by Bob Stirner


When called upon to construct a letter of introduction or mission statement for the first, all inclusive CAS reunion I barely knew where to start, only that it took me 30 plus years too many to finally put it down on paper.

To say that the Cinnaminson Alternative School was a special place would be a huge understatement; CAS was an idealized “Free school”, utopian in construct and nature, a perfect storm of the times, the counter culture and progressive educational concepts. It was a place where both overachievers and underachievers worked in concert. It was an environment where round pegged student’s like myself whom just didn’t fit in the traditional square holed environment provided them, not only found sanctuary within , but other kid’s just like them all around. . We learned how to thrive at CAS, both intellectually and socially, and in doing so formed the most valuable life set primer one could imagine being “taught”.  It was a learning experience that went way beyond numbers and history and verse, it was a place and environment where taking risks in life were encouraged, where alternate reality’s were presented along conventional ones and where’s one’s sense of self and responsibility were encouraged to form…most importantly responsibility. I for one can’t imagine the person that I would be today had I not stumbled into that little school in 1973, conversely, many things that I am today can be traced directly back to that school like a lightning bolt, it’s that clear and profound to me and for that I am truly grateful.


Conversationally, the idea of a “true reunion” in keeping with the spirit, form and philosophy of that place and time had been batted around before. My first encounter with a former student that had actually spent any amount of time on it was David Bliss whom worked hard towards the idea and compiled the core data base and mailing list inspiration for this happening. Without David, much of this would not have been possible. Somewhere around 2006 I took the reigns for a bit, adding to the list and making some headway (an arduous task at best given the lack of help from the Cinnaminson School system). My reunion concept not only meant an assemblage of students with “martini party” and name tags but rather (and more importantly in my mind) engaging the original faculty enough as to create or re create a “day in the life “at CAS. It seemed patently obvious that this could not be your mom’s (or your cousin’s for that matter) reunion. It had to happen at the old A school in my mind and …heck…while we were at it, what if we actually had a community meeting and did…. well…. Alternative school things of every manner, shape and form for a full day?

What if in early planning forums we actually sat down with the faculty and dug up old photos, archival 8 mm footage of the very first year, hundreds of hours of video shot real time etc for  a streaming and media barrage before, after and day of the reunion?  What if we tried to rekindle the spirit and passion of that learning “Camelot“ by reuniting Ray, Lee, John, Jack, Kyra, Franny, Frank, Lori and Joe for the first time in many years? What if we reignited that oh so important “feeling” that helped shape what was one of the most influential learning experience’s of many of our beginning adult years?

What if we peppered the official core reunion day and evening with a buffer day ( Fri and Sun ) before and after providing extra curricular get togethers, happenings and events?

Well we have. And then some.


With the indispensible help of Bob Glass we have ( finally!!!) succeeded in creating the first, all inclusive (72-77 ) Cinnaminson Alternative School Reunion. The event will take place on Saturday 11/27/10 at the former CAS school (now Footlighter’s) on Pomona Rd. in Cinnaminson, NJ . In attendance will be the entire original faculty… Lee, John, Ray, Jack, Kyra, Franny, Lori, Joe, Frank ….and you!!!

The day will start at 9AM sharp for a Community Meeting and breakfast, what happens from there shall be shaped by the students and faculty…sound familiar?

A “formal” reunion dinner / reception will happen between 7 PM and 12 AM on grounds.

More info will be added / updated as it becomes available.


I lament that it has taken so long for me to say these things or to have helped in the inspiration that it has required to make this event happen, but I am also overjoyed at the thought of finally reconvening on those grounds. I truly relish the thought of seeing you all again… name tags required.


Bob Stirner

CAS  Class of 1976